This would have required teaching what modules and imports are, printing a string, and the dot operator. 往往需要向他们讲述模块和导入究竟是怎么回事、字符串输出以及句点操作符又是如何工作的(如此麻烦的话,与Java™语言就没什么差别了)。
The unary operator-z tests for a null string, while-n or no operator at all returns True if a string is not empty. 单目操作符-z测试null字符串,如果字符串非空-n返回True(或者根本没有操作符)。
First, you can create a new string by adding other strings together, either using the+ operator or by just sticking strings together using the appropriate quotes. 第一,通过将其他字符串添加在一起,可以创建新的字符串,具体方法可以使用+运算符,或者干脆使用适当的引号将字符串连在一起。
To parse a string, you must use+ alpha_p ( this is similar to the EBNF+ operator that implies one or more, except that Spirit uses it before and not after). 要解析字符,必须使用+alphap(这类似于EBNF+操作符,表示一个或多个字符,不同的是Spirit在前面而不是后面使用它)。
To find names that end with "man," you might use the regex man$ to match the sequence m, a, and n followed immediately by the end of the line ( or string) matched by the regex operator$. 要查找以man结尾的名称,可以使用regexman$来匹配序列m、a和n,并且后面紧接与regex操作符$匹配的行(字符串)。
If you prefer not to use a long string concatenation statement like this, an alternative is to use the string formatting operator which enables you to have an expression like 如果不喜欢使用这么长的字符串连接语句,另一种方法是使用字符串格式操作符,可以使用下面这样的表达式
By overloading the assignment operator and exploiting the deterministic finalization provided by C++ scoping, C++ programs can use the string class as if it were garbage collected. 通过重载赋值操作符并利用C++作用域提供的确定性结束,C++程序可以将string类当成是被收集的垃圾那样使用。
The second argument may actually be a Perl regular expression specified via either a string of the form/ pattern/ or through use of the qr() operator. 第二个自变量实际上可能是通过/pattern/形式的字符串指定或通过使用qr()运算符而得到的Perl正规表达式。
To concatenate multiple String literals, use the+ operator. 可以使用+操作符连接多个字符串字面值。
Two variable operator-valued functions in Mikusinski operators string operator Mikusinski二元算符函数串操作符;串算符;串运算符;字符串运算符
Wigner Functions for Eigenstates of Arbitrary Power of Annihilation Operators string operator 湮灭算符任意次幂本征态的Wigner函数串操作符;串算符;串运算符;字符串运算符
The algorithm based on Euclidean similarity measure scatter matrix as the feature evaluation criteria, based on m-dimensional feature as the gene to construct chromosome string, and build the cross/ mutation operator model based on adaptive genetic strategy. 算法以欧氏相似测度散布矩阵作为特征评价准则,以m维特征为基因构造染色体码串,并采用了基于自适应遗传策略的交叉/变异算子模型。